Denro Village

Help Our Cause

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission. Click the button below to use our Secured Third Party Online Payment System (FLUTTERWAVE).

You can make bank payments/transfers to
Hapas Community Development Initiative
Zenith Bank – 1014709622

Join us today

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission. Click the button below to use our Secured Third Party Online Payment System (FLUTTERWAVE).

Food for Education

Hunger robs humanity of dignity and reduces productivity. We provide food support to fight hunger in grassroots communities.

But we’re not done yet. We need you to join in.

Sponsor an entire trending project

For $10,000 or more you can fully fund a food project for a Community. 100% funds clean food projects and other similar projects.

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Help Communities Grow

We want to support our communities to develop in a holistic way that creates equity for all and enshrines a sense of shared responsibility. Conducting this using a multi-level approach will provide a stronger foundation to help us achieve our goals. Think you can help? Get in touch today for more information!

Food for Education Program

We have run this as a free school-feeding program in public primary schools across three communities in Lagos since 2012. While it has evolved to a food rations program for families delivered through school students, our intent is the same-Hunger blunts intellect; feed the child to keep the child in school.

Become a Volunteer

    Our COVID-19 Food Relief Efforts